Emerald Ash Borer WarringtonThe dreaded insect known as the Emerald Ash Borer is now officially in our neighborhood. We have been following the spread of this pest since 2002, as it has moved through Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kentucky, and New York. Over the past 10 years over 50 million Ash trees have been lost, either cut down or killed by the insect. Now it is officially in our neighborhood. Warrington, Pennsylvania is approximately 15 miles outside of Philadelphia and it is very likely that the insect is in other suburbs of Philadelphia as well. We are recommending that all Ash trees worth saving be treated with a systemic insecticide immediately.

The Ash Borer kills trees by drilling into the trunk and tunneling around between the bark and cambium. This tunneling girdles the tree and kills it quickly. The borer moves fast and Mature Ash tree. comes in large numbers. It does not make sense to wait until the damage is visible before treating a tree. Once a tree is infected, we can kill these insects immediately, but it will often be too late to save the tree. There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not to treat your Ash trees preventatively for Emerald Ash Borer. Because the insect will be around for a long time, yearly treatments will prob- ably be necessary. However, the cost of these treatments will be sig- nificantly less than the cost to remove dead trees on your property, not to mention the cost of planting replacement trees.

Ash are native to our area and the Eastern United States. At matu- rity they reach heights of 60 to 70 feet tall. They are beautiful, full- canopied trees that are essential parts of landscapes on many proper- ties in Philadelphia, and the surrounding suburbs. If you have Ash trees on your property, it is very likely that your McFarland Arborist has already identified them and begun the neces- sary treatments. If, however, you feel we may have missed a tree, or you have not yet given us permission to treat them, please call us immediately to have your Arborist review the situation with you. We can save these trees, but it is essential that we begin treatments now to guarantee that the insecticide is present in the tree when the borer arrives and begins feeding. (More on page 3)